Jet Lag + Circadian Rhythm


I woke up very early one morning in preparation for a backcountry trip. I always get so nervous and stuck inside my head, but coming out of the tipi to this view of Mt. Yōtei was the perfect cure.

The term 'circadian rhythm', is derived from the latin phrase 'circa diem', which means 'for about a day'. It is used to describe the internal patterns in organisms that closely follow the earth's daily rotation cycle.

The body's circadian rhythm is roughly twenty four hours, and is connected to solar night and day, and also exposure to light and darkness (such as staying in a dark room all day).

The most common link we make to the circadian rhythm is its control of our sleep patterns.

When travelling across multiple time zones, the circadian clock becomes desynchronized, so our body's internal time no longer aligns with external time.

This causes jet lag (aka desynchrosis), which presents with symptoms including fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, dehydration, headaches, irritability, difficulty concentrating, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, malaise, and memory loss.

These disruptions are worse when crossing more time zones and when flying from west to east (forwards in time). This is likely due to circadian rhythms being on average, slightly longer than 24 hours, so biologically we are more inclined to extend our days at their end as we do when traveling west, rather than shortening our days when traveling east.

During sleep our body heals and repairs itself, so with sleep disruption comes a weakened immune system. Some recent research suggests that the circadian rhythm also plays a role in the recruitment of immune cells. So if its out of synch, our immune system is also compromised.

How to prevent jet lag, help resynchronize our circadian rhythm, and optimize immunity when traveling, stay tuned! If it doesn’t answer all your questions, please reach out to ask or book in with me if you’re in Toronto.

Dr. Cristina Allen ND
Naturopathic Doctor


Jet Lag + Melatonin

