Athletic Nutrition

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I had the pleasure of meeting Rip Zinger in the kitchen during the Big Wave Challenge.

We share the passion of educating athletes to change the way they view food.

Things have come a long way since the days we thought that food was just fuel. Remember the days when crushing a bowl of pasta before playing sports was the thing to do?

Now we know so much more about the complexities of how diet impacts athletic performance.

Diets can be tweaked so that food can be used to optimize performance. It can extend endurance, reduce recovery time, increase gains, enhance focus, and improve responsiveness.

It's not just what you eat. It's also timing, how to combine ingredients, and most importantly, all dependant on you as an individual, what your predispositions are, and what activities you're doing.

One tip that applies across the board though, is emphasis on whole foods and a reduction of processed foods.

Whole foods provide more nutrients that the body can use as a resource for your activity versus using it to mitigate obstructions and repair damage from the likes of blood sugar imbalances and inflammation.

The takeaway: The cleaner your diet, the less burden your body has to deal with, and the better it can focus on applying its energy towards functionality of your chosen activity.

Want to learn more about what works best for you? Feel free to reach out, or contact your local naturopathic doctor.

Dr. Cristina Allen ND




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