Soil Health and Biodiversity


The greatest threats to our future wellness are the loss of fertile soil and biodiversity. Rates of desertification are so threatening, we risk serious damage to public health due to the production of nutrient void food and severe loss of arable topsoil to produce enough food.

The practice of regenerative farming is to do no harm to the land. Instead, revitalize the soil and the environment. Healthy soil results in healthy food.

Chickens can play an integral role in regenerative farming. As they graze on the farms pasture, they consume a nourishing diet while fertilizing the land by depositing manure and urine, which eliminates the need to apply artificial fertilizers and avoids over-fertilizing the soil.

With best practices, chickens provide nutrients to our soil, while laying the most nutritious eggs or provide nutrient dense protein, and can be carbon neutral.

Thanks to the Pastry Pirate for sharing your time, experience, and delicious eggs.

Dr. Cristina Allen, ND


The Modern North American Diet and Health


Milkyway Mash-Up