Barefoot Hiking in Okinawa


Spending a little bit of time today daydreaming about this waterfall in Okinawa.

From the trailhead we set off with ambitions to crush the hike in half the suggested time. There was so much we were hoping to jam into the day (donuts, beach sunsets, reaching the most northern point of the island, awamori with snakes...).

Not more than 15 minutes in, we reached a closed gate, the end of the path, and no waterfall. We missed a turn off. It turns out the trail was entirely a river. So off went our shoes!

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Well worth it.


Have you ever felt that soothing sensation wash over your body when you close your eyes and listen to the sounds of a waterfall?

It's been found that nature sounds physically alter the connections in the brain, calming the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response, and relaxes the body.

Is your nervous system on edge and want to learn more about how to calm your nerves? Reach out to your local naturopathic doctor or get in touch!

Dr. Cristina Allen ND


Robin Eggs

