the Health Impacts of Stress


Stress is the body’s physical and mental response to adjust to changes and challenges (stressors). It’s not always a negative thing.

Stress can be broken down into two types: distress and eustress.

Distress refers to a negative form of stress that is perceived to be outside of our coping abilities and results in negative outcomes such as anxiety and decreased performance.

Eustress is a positive form of stress that tends to be short-term, within our coping abilities and seen as challenges that can be overcome. It can be motivating, energizing, and increase performance. Potential indicators of eustress may include a sense of meaning, inspiration, or vigour.

Eustress is the key to developing resilience and has been found to be positively correlated with quality of life and wellbeing.

Examples of eustress can include learning new hobbies and skills, exercise, a first date, or striving to achieve a goal.

Changing one’s perspective of stress can improve stress management. By viewing an event as a challenge versus a threat elicits a more a moderate response and is less anxiety anxiety provoking.

Don’t forget though, too much of a good thing can still lead to burnout, so be mindful of limitations and strive towards balance.

Dr. Cristina Allen ND


Spring Nutrition: Fiddleheads


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